David Sample, P.E.
- Extension Specialist
- Research: Urban stormwater management, watershed modeling, and design of best management practices

Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Colorado, 2003
M.S., Environmental Engineering, University of Florida, 1984
B.S., Environmental Engineering, University of Florida, 1981
August 2015 - present – Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech
August 2008 - July 2015 – Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech
May 2005-June 2008 – Principal Engineer and Practice Leader, Water Resources, Brown and Caldwell, Atlanta, GA.
April 2004- May 2005 – Senior Water Resources Engineer, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Kennesaw, GA.
August 2003-April 2004 – Senior Water Resource Engineer, ENTRIX Environmental, Atlanta, GA.
July 2000- August 2003 – Senior Water Resource Engineer, LAW Engineering, Kennesaw, GA.
August 1995-January 1997 – District Engineer, Left Hand Water District, Longmont, CO.
February 1989-May 1993 – City Engineer, City of Gainesville, Gainesville, GA.
September 1988-February 1989 – County Engineer, Columbia County, Evans, GA.
August 1987-September 1988 – Assistant County Engineer, Richmond County, Augusta, GA.
May 1986-June 1987 – Environmental Engineer, GZA Environmental, Newton, MA.
February 1984-May 1986 – Environmental Engineer, US EPA Region 4, Atlanta, GA.
September 1983-February 1984 – Project Engineer, Taulmann Corporation, Atlanta, GA.
September 1982-June 1983 – Water Resource Engineer, South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL.
Selected Major Awards
- UCOWR Mid Career Award for Extension and Outreach, 2020 (national award)
- Chesapeake Stormwater Network, 3rd Place, Ultra-Urban BMP Category, 2014 Best Urban BMP in the Bay, Team award, Adamstown, MD, May 13-15, 2014.
- James River Association, 2nd Place, Site Design, Suburban Mixed Use Category for Virginia’s Low Impact Development Competition, Team award, Lexington, Virginia, April 12, 2012.
- American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Blue Ribbon Award, Educational Aids: Comprehensive Publications (33 or more pages), Team award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers for: Urban Nutrient Management Handbook, Dallas, Texas, July 29-August 1, 2012.
- American Academy of Water Resources Engineers, Diplomat, 2005.
Program Focus
My research program focuses upon improving the management of urban stormwater at its source, advancing the design of stormwater control measures (SCMs), also known as best management practices (BMPs), to improve resulting water quality. Outputs include improved mathematical models and monitoring techniques for assessing SCM performance. These outputs support improved design. Better designed SCMs are more predictable, and more effective, achieving greater pollution reduction at lower costs, which will lead to improved surface water quality publications, and reports.
Extension Program Focus
The goal of my extension program is to improve the understanding of practices used in managing urban stormwater. My extension activities are intended to extend proven LID research to stormwater managers and designers as they adapt designs to improve water quality performance. Another goal is to provide appropriate information to the public that will build capacity and knowledge on improving quality of urban runoff and other nonpoint source issues. As part of meeting these objectives, my extension program develops education programs targeted at groups with the greatest need in the most current issues in stormwater management. These include developing a watershed-based educational series; providing technical and educational guidance on stormwater BMPs; and working collaboratively with local/state/federal agencies, consultants, and other academics in developing an evaluation protocol for BMPs that incorporate proprietary technologies, verifying performance without hindering innovation. I have developed a series of self-sustaining Extension workshops focused on educating BMP designers and reviewers about the newest and most cost-effective urban stormwater treatments available. The objective of these workshops will be to increase the capacity of my audiences so they are able to use leading edge engineering practices to address water quality issues.
Current Projects
- Developing a self-sustaining workshop series on urban watershed management
- Exploring the implementation of an evaluation program for proprietary BMPs in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, a U.S. EPA Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) funded workshop
- Urban Nutrient Management Certification/Training program with VDCR - My contribution is a primer on urban runoff management. A modified version of this chapter was later used as a text for the Chesapeake Bay Certified Landscape Professionals program.
Towsif Khan, S. Wynn‐Thompson, T.M., Sample, D., Al‐Smadi, M., Shahed Behrouz, M.,..., 2024. Effectiveness of stormwater control measures in protecting stream channel stability, Hydrological Processes, 38 (6), e151784.
Shahed Behrouz M., Sample D.J., Kisila, O.B., Harrison M., Nayeb Yazdi M., Garna R.K., 2024. Parameterization of nutrients and sediment build-up/wash-off processes for simulating stormwater quality from specific land uses. J Environ Manage. 2024 Apr 9;358:120768, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120768
Shahed Behrouz, M., Sample, D., and Nayeb Yazdi, M., 2023. Robustness of Storm Water Management Model, J Clean Prod., doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137328
Zhu, D., Cheng, X., Sample, D., Qiao, Q., and Liu, Z., 2023. Effect of water temperature on internal nitrogen release from sediments in the Pearl River Delta region, China. Hydrol Res., doi: 10.2166/nh.2023.056
Shahed Behrouz, M.S., Yazdi, M.N., Sample, D.J., 2022. Using Random Forest, a machine learning approach to predict nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment event mean concentrations in urban runoff. J. Environ. Manage., 317, 115412. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115412
Shahed Behrouz, M. S., Yazdi, M. N., Sample, D. J., Scott, D., and Owen, J. S., 2022. What are the relevant sources and factors affecting event mean concentrations (EMCs) of nutrients and sediment in stormwater. Sci Total Environ., 828, 154368. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154368
Wang, Q., Li, F., Zhao, X., Zhao, W., Zhang, D., Zhou, X., Sample, D.J., Wang, X., Liu, Q., Li, X., Li, G., Wang, H., Zhang, K., Chen, J., 2022. Runoff and nutrient losses in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) production with tied-ridge-furrow rainwater harvesting on sloping land. Int. Soil Water Conserv. Res., 10, 308–323. doi:10.1016/j.iswcr.2021.09.005
Alamdari, N., Claggett, P., Sample, D., Easton, Z., and Nayeb Yazdi, M., 2022. Evaluating the joint effects of climate and land use change on runoff and pollutant loading. to J Clean Prod., 330, 129953, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.129953
Sridhar, V., Ali, S. A., & Sample, D. J., 2021. Systems analysis of coupled natural and human processes in the Mekong River Basin. Hydrology, 8(3). doi:10.3390/hydrology8030140
Nayeb, M., Scott, D., Sample, D. J., and Wang, X., 2021. Efficacy of a retention pond in treating stormwater nutrients and sediment. J Clean Prod., 290, 125787. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.125787
Nayeb Yazdi, M., Sample, D., Scott, D., Wang, X., and Ketabchy, M., 2021. The effects of land use characteristics on urban stormwater quality and watershed pollutant loads. Sci Total Environ., doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145358
Nayeb Yazdi M., Ketabchy M., Sample D.J., Scott D., Liao, H., 2019. An evaluation of HSPF and SWMM for simulating streamflow regimes in an urban watershed. Environ. Model. Softw., 118, 211–225. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.05.008
Nayeb Yazdi, M., Sample, D.J., Scott, D., Owen, J.S., Ketabchy, M., and Alamdari, N., 2019. Water quality characterization of storm and irrigation runoff from a container nursery. Sci Total Environ., 166–178. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.326.
Alamdari, N., and Sample, D.J., 2019. A Multiobjective Simulation-Optimization Tool for Assisting in Urban Watershed Restoration Planning. J Clean Prod., 213, pp 251-261. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.12.108blicationsPresentations»